Cooking glove(Mitte)【Liberty】

  • ギフト対応可

The cooking glove is made with Liverty of London print fablic!

This glove is available to fit quickly.
It's very useful when you touch a hot oven and lid.
You can grab the soup pot with it,to carry to the dining table.
This looks very cute,so it will be plaised items:) in your home party!

This glove would brighten any kitchen!
Perfect for home baking,home party,for gift.

Would you like a PAIR? No problem!
Just select Quantity = 2 at checkout, and you will receive a matched pair.

Cooking glove【liverty print:Maddsie)

Front:Liberty cotton tana lawn
Back:cotton100% fully lined
with hanging tab

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千葉 作品数:85

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  4. Cooking glove(Mitte)【Liberty】